How to Reach Half Your School District with the Gospel in 1 Year

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The ostentatious title of this post aside, what if this was actually possible? And how would you gauge it? Wherever you fall on the “numbers don’t matter” or “numbers are everything” spectrum, it’s safe to assume that youth workers would generally love for as many students as possible to hear the message of a great, big God who loves them unconditionally and desires to be in relationship with them. And whether you count every student who walks through the door or never count anyone, I think someone once said, “We count people because people count,” and I think there’s a little bit of truth to that. So this idea assumes that there is at least some wisdom in knowing how many students that we actually reach.

Of course, you could define “reach” in a hundred different ways. I’m not necessarily talking about positive responses, “I believe” moments, or conversions (whatever you want to call saying “yes” to Jesus). I’m simply talking about walking a student through the Gospel – either at one sitting, over many sittings, through conversations or examples – however it happens, I think it has to be a verbal discussion about the story and reality of Jesus, including when he walked the earth and the implications now.

Without delving into the “What is the Gospel?” dissertation, I’ll simply define it as the story and reality of how God has, is, and will continue to restore and redeem a lost and broken creation through the life, teaching, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There’s obviously more to it than that but for brevity’s sake, let’s simply start there. So let’s agree that communicating this message and helping students to exist in this reality by living out a daily, growing relationship with God is at the heart of student ministry. The Great Commission describes “making disciples” but of course disciples can’t be made without first hearing the Gospel.

Romans 10:13-15 – “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?  And how can they preach unless they are sent?

I’ve written HERE and HERE about how it’s vital in student ministry to engage others in your community who are doing the same thing. This will test your belief on that subject.

So here’s the idea: suppose your school district population numbers 10,000 high school students. There’s your mission field. Here’s how to tell 5,000 students about Jesus in one school year:

  1. Find 20 other youth ministries/churches/parachurch organizations willing to commit to the vision.
  2. Each ministry commits to recruiting and training 25 volunteers (total leader count=500).
  3. Each volunteer commits to sharing the story of Jesus with 10 students who are unfamiliar with the Gospel throughout the year .
  4. Avoid “double-dipping” by figuring out a way to track the plan and communicate progress.

What would happen in your community if 5,000 students heard about Jesus in the context of authentic friendship and life-sharing? What if just 10% of those students said “yes” to following Jesus? That’s 500 new followers of Jesus – the world’s been radically changed by much smaller groups of people.

Of course, then the issue becomes making disciples but isn’t that why we’re here?

What do you think? Does all this counting make you uncomfortable? Does the possibility get your blood going? What recruiting and training would this take? What would be some practical steps towards getting other youth workers in your area on board? At this point, it’s just an idea but I really want to try it.

About Matt Bond

Husband to Katie, dad to Greyson, youth pastor @ Menlo Park Pres. Surf lots, bike lots, trying to love lots. View all posts by Matt Bond

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